
Showing posts from February, 2020


today in class we answered four questions from the text book on pages 139 questions 1, 2, 3, 5: 1. write the following terms and their definitions: - direct democracy: government when citizens rule directly and not through representatives - classical art: values of harmony, order, balance, and proportion - tragedy: serious drama about common themes like love, hate, war, or betrayal - comedy: scenes with slapstick situations and crude humor - Peloponnesian war: between two city- states (Athens and Sparta) - philosopher: lovers of wisdom - Socrates: critic of the sophists, unlike others he believed that absolute standards did exist fort truth and justice - Plato: student of Socrates, wrote his conversations with Socrates after he passed - Aristotle: philosopher questioned nature of the world and human belief, thought, and knowledge 2. i believe stronger democracy changed our worlds government because: many ways of how Pericles ran the government is similar to the U.S. since


today in class we took our first ever test. it was not too hard but some parts were definitely more challenging than others. here is the following format of what was on the test: -  locate the following: Aegean sea, Ionian sea, Adriatic sea, Crete, Peloponnesus, Athens, Sparta, Asia Minor, Macedonia - the ten pop quiz questions - match the civilization to the river - Greece is a mountainous peninsula - 2000 islands in Ionian and Aegean seas - Greece had many skilled sailors and shipbuilders - city-states - 20% of Greece is arable - arable: suitable for farming - greek diet: consist of grains, grapes, olives, and fish - Mycenaeans: came first, ruled for 500 years - dorians: ruled for 400 years - cultural diffusion: combine civilizations - dorians moved into Mycenaeans area after sea people destroyed it - Homerian question: was he real or a made up character - need to know definition (difference) for: polis, monarchy, aristocracy, oligarchy, tyrant - symposium: were elit

day 20

today in class we reviewed for the test tomorrow: - need to locate the following: Aegean sea, Ionian sea, Adriatic sea, Crete, Peloponnesus, Athens, Sparta, Asia Minor, Macedonia - the ten pop quiz questions - be able to match the civilization to the river - Greece is a mountainous peninsula - 2000 islands in Ionian and Aegean seas - Greece had many skilled sailors and shipbuilders - city-states - 20% of Greece is arable - arable: suitable for farming - greek diet: consist of grains, grapes, olives, and fish - Mycenaeans: came first, ruled for 500 years - dorians: ruled for 400 years - cultural diffusion: combine civilizations - dorians moved into Mycenaeans area after sea people destroyed it - Homerian question: was he real or a made up character - need to know definition (difference) for: polis, monarchy, aristocracy, oligarchy, tyrant - symposium: were elite men went to work on laws while partying - need to know about Draco, Solon, Cleisthenes - 508 BC: democracy

day 19 Greece

today in class we went over some previous slides and newer slides. - Draco (621 BC): draconian: ver harsh punishment from the law Draco was a leader and the following are some rules everyone obbided by: - all athenians are equal under the law - death is a punishment for many crimes - work as a slave to pay debts is okay - Solons reforms (594 BC): Solon came along after Draco and changed tho his own way and likings: - outlaws debt slavery - all athenian citizens can speak at town assemblies - any citizen can press charges on someone -Hippias: was a tyrant who ruled from 527 BC to 510 BC - his brother was murdered and he was very paranoied so whoever he thought had to do something with his brothers murder was killed, many people died - rule became very harsh - he was eventually expelled from Athens which means he was never allowed back in (also known as ostracized) - after he was expelled he began working with the Persian king, Darius 1, to plan his rebellion -invaded

day 18 Greek's Golden Age

Greeks Golden Age the democratic principles and classical culture  during the Greeks Golden Age the following terms are apart of the Greek Golden Age: - direct democracy: this is a form of government when the citizens of the city rule directly and not through representatives - classical art: the peoples values of harmony, order, balance, and proportion - tragedy: a type of play that went on that involved serious drama, love, hate, and war - comedy: another type of play that contained slapstick situations and crude humor - Peloponnesian war: a long war between Sparta and Athens - philosopher: these people were thinkers of "lovers of wisdom" - socrates: this man was a critic of sophists that had disbeliefs - plato: this man was a student of Socrates who studied under him till he died then documented their conversations - Aristotle: this man was a philosopher who questioned the nature of the world

day 17 Warring City-States

today in class we went over the Warring City - States and reviewed the following definitions: - polis: fundamental political unit in ancient Greece - acropolis: citizens gathered to discuss city government - monarchy: a single person rules as a king - aristocracy: government ruled a small group of noble - oligarchy: government ruled by a few powerful people - tyrant: powerful, seized control of the government - democracy: when the people rule instead of higher up people - helot: peasants forced to stay on the land where they worked - hoplites: well armed soldiers we also talked about Draco and he ruled during 621 BC and these were some of his rules: - all Athenians are equal people under the law - death is a punishment for many of the crimes - work as a slave to pay debts is OK then a man named Solon came along in 594 BC and made some reforms: - outlaws debt slavery - all Athenian citizens can speak at assembly - any Athenian citizen can press charges

day 16 Greece

today in class we talked about ancient Greece - 1400 BC: Mycenaeans invaded Crete and absorbed Minoan culture Trojan War: - around 1200 BC - most people thought it was a fictional book because the gods and goddesses were involved in it - Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera were given the "apple of discord" - paris had to pick one of the three listed goddesses above of who was the best and they would each give him a different prize if he chose her - Paris judged Aphrodite as "the fairest" - as promised her gift to Paris was to make Helen, who was married the Athenean ruler, fall in love with Paris and he kidnapped her from Athens and took her back to Troy to marry him The Sea People: - in 1200 BC these people invaded Mycenae, and they got passed the huge wall and burned everything - 1150 to 750 BC Dorians moved in to the war torn area and lived there - the Dorians were way less advanced - their civilization going backward instead of forward - they no longer use

day 15

today in class Mr. Schick let the students be the teachers for the day, we just reviewed the notes from yesterday. our first teacher was Trevor and he did about 1-2 slides and he was an excellent teacher and reviewed the content very well. next, Trevor picked Connor to be our new teacher and Connor explained a lot and then he picked Matteo and he taught some as well. the following was what we reviewed: (Ancient) Greece is the word - all great civilizations were on the water (mostly rivers) Mesopotamia- the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers Egypt- the Nile River India- Indus River China- Huang He River - what are the bodies of water that surround Greece? the Mediterranean Sea, the Adriatic Sea, the Aegean Sea, and the Ionian Sea - what is the large island that is to the south/ southeast of Greece? the island is Crete - describe where Sparta and Athens are? they are very close to each other could walk to it or sail i need to be able to locate the following: -the Aegean Sea -th

Western civ day 14

(Ancient) Greece is the word - all great civilizations were on the water (mostly rivers) Mesopotamia- the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers Egypt- the Nile River India- Indus River China- Huang He River - what are the bodies of water that surround Greece? the Mediterranean Sea, the Adriatic Sea, the Aegean Sea, and the Ionian Sea - what is the large island that is to the south/ southeast of Greece? the island is Crete - describe where Sparta and Athens are? they are very close to each other could walk to it or sail i need to be able to locate the following: -the Aegean Sea -the Ionian Sea the Adriatic Sea - Peloponnesus - athens -sparta - crete - asia minor - macedonia Greece- mountainous peninsula - the mountains cover three fourths of Greece - 2000 islands islands in the Ionian Sea and the Aegean Sea - Greece had limited natural resources - twenty percent of Greece was arable (suitable for farming)

Greece pt. 3

Warring City States: main idea: power and authority - many political systems today mirror some governments in Greece terms and names: - polis: fundamental political unit in ancient Greece - acropolis: citizens gathered to discuss city government - monarchy: a single person rules as a king - aristocracy: government ruled a small group of noble - oligarchy: government ruled by a few powerful people - tyrant: powerful, seized control of the government - democracy: when the people rule instead of higher up people - helot: peasants forced to stay on the land where they worked - phalanx: fearsome formation the Greeks created - Persian Wars: between Greece and Persian empire - Greece had many different governments - the sons off wealthy people got an education while everyone else didn't and had to work - after school when the boys were older they went to military school to learn there and defend Athens

Greece pt. 2

today in class we were handed back our Mesopotamia quizzes and then we took notes on Greece and answered the following questions: 1. terms and their definitions - trojan war: this war lasted for ten years and it was between Troy and the Mycenaeans, what was told that happened was because the trojan prince had kidnapped Helen, who was the wife of the Greek king - dorian: this was a group of people who moved into the waitron countryside after the war - Homer: he was a blind man who was the best story teller and he also wrote - epic: narrative poems celebrating heroic deeds - myth: traditional stories 2. beings do close to the sea helped them become skilled sailors, the sea travel connected them to other societies. sea travel and trade were very important because Greece lacked natural resources 4. the Mycenaeans saw the value of seaborne trade. they also took their writing systems and wrote on vases with designs. 5. the epics were so important because the Dorians were lacking


today in class we took our quiz on Egypt. i thought it was a little challenging especially the different kinds of questions. i then took notes on Greece. greek notes: - Athens: a town that was a democracy - Mycenaean: these people settled on the greek mainland - trojan war: this was a ten year war that was between troy and the Mycenaeans, this occurred because the trojan prince kidnapped Helena, the wife of a greek king - dorian: group of people who moved into War- torn countryside - homer: he was a blind man who was one of the best story tellers and was said to have wrote epics - epic: these are narrative poems that celebrated heroic deeds - myth: traditional stories - Greece was not united, collection of Greek speaking lands - had many trade routes across the waters - the mountains covered three fourths of Greece - the mountains divided the land into many regions - weather in Greece: warm in the summer and cold in the winter

Egypt pt. 2

today in class we finished up the power point because we have a quiz on friday. - earliest Egyptian writing was in 3100 B.C. by using small pictures known as hieroglyphics - they wrote with ink on papyrus ( papyrus was made from mashed Nile reeds) paper which is like our paper today but a bit rougher, and they stored these in scrolls and these were known as the books of ancient Egypt - Egyptian astronomers created a calendar, they based it off the cycle and came up with 12 months of 365 days - Egyptian doctors wrote a lot on health issues and created potions and cures for lots of common diseases - the Egyptians also used wooden sailboats to travel goods through the nile - the nile flowed from south to north which made upper Egypt in the south and lower Egypt in the north - the nile was fresh water, which helps the Egyptians with most of their basic needs in life


during class we talked about Egypt. the land of the pharaohs within the Nile and the 2 lands: - Upper Egypt: five hundred mile long strip of fertile land along the Nile River - Lower Egypt: wide land of Nile Delta, emptying into Mediterranean - Nile was major provider of life - 3100 B.C. the lands were united with pharaoh Namer ( aka Menes) - pharaoh was worshiped as one of the gods, since the person was a pharaoh that automatically connects them to the thousands of gods and goddesses the Egyptians worships - "maat" is a harmony and balance that Egyptians rely on for balance in their life - pharaohs could have multiple wives, everything they rely on comes from the palace - women could inherit money and land , but when it came to political power they had very little to none - gods could have been portrayed as animal heads or animal bodies - Egyptians believed in an afterlife so they would get people to mummify their body after death and do surgery and take out all th

Egypt and Mesopotamia

today in class we started to talk about the corona virus and how it came up to be a thing because how the Chinese work very filthily and then how if we got a lot of people with the flu the school wouldn't shut down. this year was the most people out with the flu. then the people who didn't finish their work taking down notes for Egypt finished that while the absent people were studying. since i finished i worked on this blog and also wrote some of my essay for my english class and was struggling to figure out which war Robert E. Lee died in. here are some of my notes from Mesopotamia and Egypt: the Hammurabi codes: they have very strict rules, basically an eye for an eye. if you have stolen something you owe more than what you stole, and if you cant pay it back then you are sentenced to the, because they do not have jails so the alternative is that you die. also if a man catches his wife cheating the two are tied up and thrown into the river and the man either decides that t