Egypt and Mesopotamia

today in class we started to talk about the corona virus and how it came up to be a thing because how the Chinese work very filthily and then how if we got a lot of people with the flu the school wouldn't shut down. this year was the most people out with the flu. then the people who didn't finish their work taking down notes for Egypt finished that while the absent people were studying. since i finished i worked on this blog and also wrote some of my essay for my english class and was struggling to figure out which war Robert E. Lee died in.
here are some of my notes from Mesopotamia and Egypt:

the Hammurabi codes: they have very strict rules, basically an eye for an eye. if you have stolen something you owe more than what you stole, and if you cant pay it back then you are sentenced to the, because they do not have jails so the alternative is that you die. also if a man catches his wife cheating the two are tied up and thrown into the river and the man either decides that they die or he can pull them out.

- to the Egyptians the pharaohs were their gods
- they also thought that they remained rulers even after they died that's why they built the tombs for them to "live" in
- believed in more than 2000 gods and goddesses
- the peasants built the pyramids and in return their livings were paid for
- the people higher up who were buried in tombs usually put all their treasured goods in there with them
- the Egyptians made the first calendar


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