Egypt pt. 2

today in class we finished up the power point because we have a quiz on friday.
- earliest Egyptian writing was in 3100 B.C. by using small pictures known as hieroglyphics
- they wrote with ink on papyrus ( papyrus was made from mashed Nile reeds) paper which is like our paper today but a bit rougher, and they stored these in scrolls and these were known as the books of ancient Egypt
- Egyptian astronomers created a calendar, they based it off the cycle and came up with 12 months of 365 days
- Egyptian doctors wrote a lot on health issues and created potions and cures for lots of common diseases
- the Egyptians also used wooden sailboats to travel goods through the nile
- the nile flowed from south to north which made upper Egypt in the south and lower Egypt in the north
- the nile was fresh water, which helps the Egyptians with most of their basic needs in life


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