day 17 Warring City-States

today in class we went over the Warring City - States and reviewed the following definitions:
- polis: fundamental political unit in ancient Greece
- acropolis: citizens gathered to discuss city government
- monarchy: a single person rules as a king
- aristocracy: government ruled a small group of noble
- oligarchy: government ruled by a few powerful people
- tyrant: powerful, seized control of the government
- democracy: when the people rule instead of higher up people
- helot: peasants forced to stay on the land where they worked
- hoplites: well armed soldiers
we also talked about Draco and he ruled during 621 BC and these were some of his rules:
- all Athenians are equal people under the law
- death is a punishment for many of the crimes
- work as a slave to pay debts is OK
then a man named Solon came along in 594 BC and made some reforms:
- outlaws debt slavery
- all Athenian citizens can speak at assembly
- any Athenian citizen can press charges


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