day 16 Greece

today in class we talked about ancient Greece
- 1400 BC: Mycenaeans invaded Crete and absorbed Minoan culture
Trojan War:
- around 1200 BC
- most people thought it was a fictional book because the gods and goddesses were involved in it
- Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera were given the "apple of discord"
- paris had to pick one of the three listed goddesses above of who was the best and they would each give him a different prize if he chose her
- Paris judged Aphrodite as "the fairest"
- as promised her gift to Paris was to make Helen, who was married the Athenean ruler, fall in love with Paris and he kidnapped her from Athens and took her back to Troy to marry him
The Sea People:
- in 1200 BC these people invaded Mycenae, and they got passed the huge wall and burned everything
- 1150 to 750 BC Dorians moved in to the war torn area and lived there
- the Dorians were way less advanced
- their civilization going backward instead of forward
- they no longer used trade so the trade economy collapsed
- they stopped writing things down and writing disappeared for 400 years
- this times was known as the "Greek Dark Ages"
- Greek Oral Tradition
- homer was a blind man who was said to travel around and tell of the two great stories known as the Iliad and the Odyssey
- he did not write these stories down but as he orally told them eventually people had written them down
- lived at the end of the "greek dark ages" which was why it wasn't written down till later
- stories of the Trojan War (750- 700 BC) were composed
- The Iliad: last conquests of the Mycenaeans ( Trojan War)
- The Odyssey: when Odysseus attempts to make his way home to his family from the Trojan War the god of the sea, Poseidon was angry with all the attention he was getting so he kept him from getting home for ten more years
- The Odyssey was 12,110 lines of dactylic hexameter
- Homer and the stories could have been a myth because of all of the mythical people in the stories


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