
today in class we answered four questions from the text book on pages 139 questions 1, 2, 3, 5:

1. write the following terms and their definitions:
- direct democracy: government when citizens rule directly and not through representatives
- classical art: values of harmony, order, balance, and proportion
- tragedy: serious drama about common themes like love, hate, war, or betrayal
- comedy: scenes with slapstick situations and crude humor
- Peloponnesian war: between two city- states (Athens and Sparta)
- philosopher: lovers of wisdom
- Socrates: critic of the sophists, unlike others he believed that absolute standards did exist fort truth and justice
- Plato: student of Socrates, wrote his conversations with Socrates after he passed
- Aristotle: philosopher questioned nature of the world and human belief, thought, and knowledge

2. i believe stronger democracy changed our worlds government because:
many ways of how Pericles ran the government is similar to the U.S. since it was passed down and we changed some things but some rules were kept

3. ways he changed it: he started to pay more public officials; more citizens were involved with the government; direct democracy

5. he made them think outside the box which they didn't like, since it was out of their comfort zone


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