
Showing posts from January, 2020


this week is catholic schools week and today is student appreciation day. so for that we got a free dress down and very big and yummy donuts from safeway. we took a quiz yesterday and many people were out so some had to make up the quizzes today. while they were making up their quiz ,which wad about Mesopotamia and the Tigris and Euphrates river and Sumer etc, we were supposed to finish taking our notes. i was done taking my notes from yesterday so i went to my locker to get other homework and to write this blog. Mr. Schick was busy grading our papers and since its student appreciation day we don't have a lot of work we have to do. the quiz was a little hard but not too hard, i hope i studied enough so i got a good grade on the quiz. and that is all we did today.


we took a quiz and after took notes the main idea is science and technology terms: - delta: broad, marshy, triangular area of land formed by deposits of silt at the mouth of the river - narmer: created double crown for upper and lower Egypt - pharaohs: Egyptian god-kings, thought of as the gods and as powerful as them - theocracy: type of government ruled by religious authority - pyramid: remarkable engineering achievements - mummification: embalming and drying corpse to prevent the body from decaying - hieroglyphics: sacred carving written on stone or clay - papyrus: plant that they turned into paper - to the Egyptians the pharaohs were their gods - they also thought that they remained rulers even after they died that's why they built the tombs for them to "live" in - believed in more than 2000 gods and goddesses - the peasants built the pyramids and in return their livings were paid for - the people higher up who were buried in tombs usually put all thei


in class today we watched a video explaining Mesopotamia and the Euphrates and tigris river. we finished more of our power point and today is was talking about the peoples and the Hammurabi codes. they have very strict rules, basically an eye for an eye. if you have stolen something you owe more than what you stole, and if you cant pay it back then you are sentenced to the, because they do not have jails so the alternative is that you die. also if a man catches his wife cheating the two are tied up and thrown into the river and the man either decides that they die or he can pull them out. this century was a totally different kind of lifestyle compared to now. i believe that they made their rules stricter so no one would disobey compared to now jail is basically free living so many people who don't have a lot do it sao they have a place to sleep and food to eat. the lifestyles are totally different and i think that our laws now should be a little stricter.
i wasn't in class today, i had a basketball game.

City-States of Mesopotamia

terms: - Mesopotamia- Mesopotamia is the land between 2 rivers the Euphrates and Tigris River - city-state- the city state is much like a country today, they have very similar traits - fertile crescent- it is a curved shaped land and the richness of the land leads scholars to much bigger things - dynasty- a series of rulers from a single family - cultural diffusion- when an idea or product spreads from 1 culture to another - polytheism- the belief of more than one god - empire- brings together peoples, nations, or previously independent states under the control of 1 person - hammurabi- the Babylonian Empire reached its peak during his time he also has a code the three environmental challenges that the Sumerians faced were: 1. either little to no rain almost to the point of it being a desert or extreme flooding 2. the village was very defenseless with no natural barriers to keep them safe 3. Sumer was limited to little to no materials

1st day of western civ

today was the first day of western civilization. Mr. Schick had us in produce ourselves and then assigned us our seat. I was told to sit in the third seat next to the window. We started talking about some of the classroom rules and regulations. one rule is that we have to put our phone in the phone holder so we don't get distracted during class time. there was a large book on my desk that was titled Ancient World History. Mr. Schick told us that we are never going to take this book home it is always going to be on our desk. we are also required to get a comprehension book for the class by friday in class. we will take our notes in  our  comprehension book which will then be interpreted into our blogs. our blogs have to be 150-200 words and have our information. sometimes he might let us use our blogs on the test or quiz. i am looking forward to western civ this semester. 

God Grew Tired Of Us

Alex Fuller 1. 2 million  2.  Young boys who walked thousands of miles to escape the civil war in Sudan. 3. religion and oil 4. Arabs in the north and black christians in the south 5.  Starvation, lack of water, hyenas and lion attacks, bombings 6.  The government fell and the boys had to flee again 7. fiv e Part 2: 1.  They smash crackers up and add milk, they eat with their hands, they eat soup in a cup. 2.  He head to bury the children that died. 3.  In America they sleep on comfortable, thick mattresses, and at the camp they slept on the ground 4.  The government provides 3 months assistance. After that, they must work and repay the government 5.  The Christmas tree and Santa 6.  Ice skating because he is so tall 7.  Gasket factory and McDonalds 8.  He processes checks at a bank 9.  People have different schedules and do not have any family time. 10.  They are unfriendly and unwelcoming 11.  They feel intimidated by the boys entering their stores in large grou

Stories of Migration

Alex Fuller still applies: -the second law still applies today when new places are built people move there and then other migrants move into their left town. -the third law applies because most immigrants want to go to more advanced places. - the fifth law still does happen usually migrants move to the most developed country. - the sixth law still happens when people who have found towns usually stay and others usually go to that town. - the eighth law still applies, the main factor of migration is economic factors. some people are forced out because of the leader but some leave because they don't agree with the laws. - the ninth law still happens, people tend to not migrate if their country is advanced - the tenth law says that people leave agricultural areas and go to main industry areas (cities) and this mostly happens today - the eleventh law still applies, people mostly migrate because they don't agree with their rulers laws and more job opportunities.

blog #17

Introduction to Migration  migration-  season al movement of animals or people from one region to another immigrant-  a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country emigrant-  a person who leaves their own country in order to settle permanently in another push/pull factors-   which either forcefully  push  people into migration or attract them,  push factor  is forceful, and a  factor  which relates to the country from which a person migrates People mostly migrate for jobs and more advanced places. Most people migrate to the United States from Mexico and Europe because we are more advanced and have better job opportunities.  migration usually has two categories:  -internal migration -international migration immigrants come in through south America and into Mexico to finally get to the United States.