
in class today we watched a video explaining Mesopotamia and the Euphrates and tigris river. we finished more of our power point and today is was talking about the peoples and the Hammurabi codes. they have very strict rules, basically an eye for an eye. if you have stolen something you owe more than what you stole, and if you cant pay it back then you are sentenced to the, because they do not have jails so the alternative is that you die. also if a man catches his wife cheating the two are tied up and thrown into the river and the man either decides that they die or he can pull them out. this century was a totally different kind of lifestyle compared to now. i believe that they made their rules stricter so no one would disobey compared to now jail is basically free living so many people who don't have a lot do it sao they have a place to sleep and food to eat. the lifestyles are totally different and i think that our laws now should be a little stricter.


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