City-States of Mesopotamia

- Mesopotamia- Mesopotamia is the land between 2 rivers the Euphrates and Tigris River
- city-state- the city state is much like a country today, they have very similar traits
- fertile crescent- it is a curved shaped land and the richness of the land leads scholars to much bigger things
- dynasty- a series of rulers from a single family
- cultural diffusion- when an idea or product spreads from 1 culture to another
- polytheism- the belief of more than one god
- empire- brings together peoples, nations, or previously independent states under the control of 1 person
- hammurabi- the Babylonian Empire reached its peak during his time he also has a code

the three environmental challenges that the Sumerians faced were:
1. either little to no rain almost to the point of it being a desert or extreme flooding
2. the village was very defenseless with no natural barriers to keep them safe
3. Sumer was limited to little to no materials


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