God Grew Tired Of Us

Alex Fuller

1. 2 million 
2. Young boys who walked thousands of miles to escape the civil war in Sudan.
3. religion and oil
4. Arabs in the north and black christians in the south
5. Starvation, lack of water, hyenas and lion attacks, bombings
6. The government fell and the boys had to flee again
7. five

Part 2:

1. They smash crackers up and add milk, they eat with their hands, they eat soup in a cup.
2. He head to bury the children that died.
3. In America they sleep on comfortable, thick mattresses, and at the camp they slept on the ground
4. The government provides 3 months assistance. After that, they must work and repay the government
5. The Christmas tree and Santa
6. Ice skating because he is so tall
7. Gasket factory and McDonalds
8. He processes checks at a bank
9. People have different schedules and do not have any family time.
10. They are unfriendly and unwelcoming
11. They feel intimidated by the boys entering their stores in large groups
12. They are lonely


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