Stories of Migration

Alex Fuller

still applies:
-the second law still applies today when new places are built people move there and then other migrants move into their left town.
-the third law applies because most immigrants want to go to more advanced places.
- the fifth law still does happen usually migrants move to the most developed country.
- the sixth law still happens when people who have found towns usually stay and others usually go to that town.
- the eighth law still applies, the main factor of migration is economic factors. some people are forced out because of the leader but some leave because they don't agree with the laws.
- the ninth law still happens, people tend to not migrate if their country is advanced
- the tenth law says that people leave agricultural areas and go to main industry areas (cities) and this mostly happens today
- the eleventh law still applies, people mostly migrate because they don't agree with their rulers laws and more job opportunities.

no longer applies:
- the first law no longer applies because lots of people migrate from Europe to America.
- the fourth law no longer applies because unless there are no more houses built they can still move there.
- the seventh law does not happen anymore, now a days men migrate and work to make enough money to get their wives and family to be able to come over as well.


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