
study guide:
- Julius Caesar takes over at 18, named Octavian
- made his own triumvirate with Mark Antony and Lepidus
- the second triumvirate
- forces Lepidus to retire
- Octavian and Mark become rivals
- Mark partners with Cleopatra
- Octavian defeats them at Battle of Actium
- given the name "Augustus"
- given the title "imperator"- where we get emperor
- Rome is now an empire not republic
- ruled for 40 years (27 BC to 14 AD)
- began Pax Romana (roman peace)
- it was 207 years long
- he expanded the roman empire into Africa
- set up civil service to run the empire
- he died of natural causes
- power passed down to emperors
- some of them were good, bad, and just insane
Tiberius: 14 AD to 37 AD, good general, his son died and he exiled himself from Rome
Caligula: 37 AD to 41 AD, known for cruelty, insane tyrant, assassinated trying to reestablish republic
Claudius: 41 AD to 54 AD, suffered form infirmities, ruled well, wife killed him with poison so her son Nero could rule
Nero: 54 AD to 68 AD, wanted to rebuild Rome, overspent and rained temples for money,


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