3/9/20 Philosophers

today in class we started a new slide about philosophers, we started on Socrates and during our discussion we started talking about the gay marriage rule that was passed years ago and if we were for or against it and how we felt about it and how it impacted our country even world tremendously.

- philosopher
- looked to science and logic for the explanation of the world instead of believing in the gods
- Socratic method fostered critical thinking
- his most famous quote: "the unexamined life is not worth living."
- he was charged with serious crimes when he was alive:
    - impiety (disrespecting the gods)
    - corrupting the youth of Athens
- at his trial he described himself as a stinging gadfly (horsefly) and Athens as a lazy horse
- he did not deny his actions, but embraced them and said he should be rewarded with free dinners
- he was found guilty by the jury
- he was sentenced to death by drinking poison hemlock

- he was a student of Socrates
- wrote a book and described Socrates teachings and his trial, it is called Apology
- also wrote a book called Republic about Socrates government opinions
- these are considered the most influential books on philosophy


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