episode 3

Alex Fuller 

1)According to Jared Diamond, what allowed Europeans to develop the power necessary to conquer (take over) large portions of the world? 
 Geography-having the most productive crops and animals allowed Europeans to develop guns, germs, and steel, and ultimately, to conquer the world.
2)Why were the Europeans who settled the South African cape(tip) so successful? Describe two reasons. 
the temperature in South African Cape and Europe have a similar latitude which made it easy for the Europeans to farm the same crops and livestock. 
3)How did disease allow the Europeans to conquer the native populations in the Americasand in the Africancape? 
Europeans brought new germs to Africa which spread and got everyone else sick except them because they were already immune to the disease they brought over, especially smallpox. 
4)The Europeans who settled the tropical areas of the African continent introduced killer germs to the native populations. However, Europeans also suffered from the effects of germs native to Africa. Describe how native African germs worked against the European settlers. 
While the European people were bringing their diseases the Africans also had diseases they were not immune to which got them sick swell and their livestock were dying. 
5)How did the native Africans protect themselves from the germs that caused diseases such as Smallpox and Malaria? Give specific examples cited in the film. 
They developed an immunity to the diseases over the years and vaccines. They also chose to live in high dried areas where the mosquitoes carrying the disease would not live, and lived far from each other when breakouts from Malaria broke out. The Europeans didn't understand that and lived on rivers close to each other so when when Malaria broke out they mostly all got it because all living so close to each other. 
6)How has the colonization (European take over) of Africa created countries filled with disease? Give specific examples from the film.
The Europeans forced the people out of their close villages into big spread out cities to manufacture and the immunity they used to have had all gone away which cause them malaria to break out again and they weren't immune to it anymore. the drugs weren't working as well anymore  and now the more advanced diseases like HIV is spread easier because the people living in more densely populated areas. 
7)A) What is the number one public health problem in Zambia? B) Who are the people mainly affected by this? 
A) Malaria B) African children under the age of 5
8)How has disease made poverty (poorness) worse in many African countries such as Zambia? 
Life expectancy has decreased tremendously and the life expectancy is now 35 years of age. And the mothers of the sick children instead of working would be at the hospital with their sick child. 
9)According to data from the film, how has Malaria effected the overall growth in Africa over the last 50 years? 
Over the last 50 years malaria has caused a 1% negative growth causing them to become poverty stricken. 
10)Describe how other tropical countries such as Malaysia and Singapore have developed rich economies despite having many of the same geographical and health problems faced by African nations.
By understanding their environment and realizing the burdens that their geography and certain germs could cause, these governments planned and executed measures to eliminate diseases like Malaria. As a result, they were able to develop rich economies and capitalize on the positive aspects of their geography.


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