

dear future self,    This freshman year was like no other. There were so many crazy and unexpected events that have occurred. The months I   spent at school were so  fantastic,  but  there were  some were  rough  times.  I  started off the year with volleyball. I never really played volleyball before except one year and  I  was so excited but nervous at the same time. I made the team and it was the best time of my life,  I  loved all the girls on JV and varsity.  I made so many friends from the team with the older girls.   I absolutely loved the bus rides to our away games and playing so many new schools  I  have never heard before. I loved my classes that  I  was in and  I  met a lot of new people. I met one of my current best friends Lilly since she was in almost  all  my classes.  I am so thankful that I met her, she is such a joy to be around all the time. And this whole year I met so many new people that I am still currently friends with.  Homecoming was so exciting for me s


study guide: - Julius Caesar takes over at 18, named Octavian - made his own triumvirate with Mark Antony and Lepidus - the second triumvirate - forces Lepidus to retire - Octavian and Mark become rivals - Mark partners with Cleopatra - Octavian defeats them at Battle of Actium - given the name "Augustus" - given the title "imperator"- where we get emperor - Rome is now an empire not republic - ruled for 40 years (27 BC to 14 AD) - began Pax Romana (roman peace) - it was 207 years long - he expanded the roman empire into Africa - set up civil service to run the empire - he died of natural causes - power passed down to emperors - some of them were good, bad, and just insane Tiberius: 14 AD to 37 AD, good general, his son died and he exiled himself from Rome Caligula: 37 AD to 41 AD, known for cruelty, insane tyrant, assassinated trying to reestablish republic Claudius: 41 AD to 54 AD, suffered form infirmities, ruled well, wife killed him with po

cyber day 26 5/26/20

i am taking the test on June 2nd at 8:55-9:45 am along with the other students in super western civ. - hard to keep the plebs happy - Tiberius Gracchus recognized advantages of courting plebs (unsuccessful) - soldiers loyalty to their military leaders - Julius Caesar (100-44 BCE) - highly successful general - conquered Gaul - made commoners happy - put friends in high places (Pompey and Crassus) - these 3 formed first Triumvirate - all soldiers gave him their devotion - crossed the Rebicon - Caesar serves as consul for 1 year - makes himself governor  of Gaul - Pompey jealous- their armies clashed and Caesar won - 44 BC named dictator - Caesar granted citizenship to people in provinces - expanded senate, added his friends - jobs for the poor - increased pay for soldiers - assassinated him bc of the gain of power being a threat - lured him and stabbed him - senators not punished - end of republic

cyber day 25 5/20/20

for my essay question i am choosing option A.

cyber day 23 5/14/20

The Punic Wars: - 264-146 BCE - it was fought between Rome and Carthage - it consisted of 3 wars First Punic War (264-241 BCE): - fought on sea on naval ships for the island Sicily - Rome won Second Punic War (218-201 BCE): - tries to take Rome - goes through the north Rome wins again Third Punic War (149-146 BCE) - Rome wanted to finally destroy Carthage - burned Carthage for 17 days - walls and building destroyed - 50,000 people left of Carthage were sold into slavery - rest of Carthage territories were added onto Rome - by the end of second century BCE there were 1 million slaves in Italy

cyber day 22 5/12/20

tarquin's family life was very crazy. there was a lot of commotion in those 4 slides and very confusing at that. it looks like that everyone in the family wanted to rule and didn't care how they got it. there were some that were killed over it and no one looked back. it makes much sense that the people of Rome didn't want a leader after tarquin and his ridiculous family. The US government absorbed how the Romans did their new government. they definitely didn't use all of the same ways but many things ate similar. they both have 3 branches and both have a legal code.

cyber day 21 5/8/20

Rome Study Guide: who settled in Rome: - Etruscans came from north-central of the Peninsula - metalworkers, artists, architects - the story of Remus and Romulus - the Greeks also settled here - they had colonies around the Mediterranean Sea - many Roman things such as religious beliefs, the alphabet, much of their art, and military techniques and weaponry were used by the Greeks - the first settlers were the Latins - descendants of Indo- Europeans - settled on the banks of the Tiber river - comercial port - built on 7 hills - many streams flowed into the Tiber - marshy area between Palatine and Capitoline Hills called Forum - Lucius Tarquinias Superbus, the 7th and final king of Rome - known as Tarquin the Proud - he was a true tyrant, in both the old and new term