
Showing posts from June, 2020


dear future self,    This freshman year was like no other. There were so many crazy and unexpected events that have occurred. The months I   spent at school were so  fantastic,  but  there were  some were  rough  times.  I  started off the year with volleyball. I never really played volleyball before except one year and  I  was so excited but nervous at the same time. I made the team and it was the best time of my life,  I  loved all the girls on JV and varsity.  I made so many friends from the team with the older girls.   I absolutely loved the bus rides to our away games and playing so many new schools  I  have never heard before. I loved my classes that  I  was in and  I  met a lot of new people. I met one of my current best friends Lilly since she was in almost  all  my classes.  I am so thankful that I met her, she is such a joy to be around all the time. And this whole year I met so many new people that I am still currently friends with.  Homecoming was so exciting for me s