Theory of Population

1. the general nature of all animated life is that is the constant tendency of all animated life to increase beyond the nourishment provided for it.

2. by that law of our nature which makes food necessary to the life of man population can never actually increase beyond the lowest nourishment capable of supporting it a strong check on population, namely, the difficulty of acquiring food, must be constantly in operation.

3. Malthus argued that increased arithmatically are limited by the availability of Newland.

4. these increase mortality rate and reduce life expectancy and hence the population. these include natural disasters farmines epidemics. Malthus saw these as nature's way of controlling the population. he believed that they were divinely ordained.
these are practices which you limit reproduction or fertility. these include abstinence which necessitates moral restraint and delay of marriage. Malthus was aware that moral restraint was difficult as people gain pleasure from sex. yet he was not in favor of artificial birth control methods.

5. yes Malthus is right


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