
Showing posts from April, 2020

cyber day 18 4/30/20

In ancient Rome there were categories the people were put into. two of them being the plebeians and the patricians. the plebes were the general class of Rome. they weren't rich but they weren't poor, they were usually excluded from the senate and all public offices. the patricians on the other hand were the elite upper class, basically royalty sitting at the top of everyone. their lifestyles were totally different, one had to worry about their money and how they would support their family while the other didn't care what they spent their money on.

cyber day 17 4/28/20

republic: form of government which the power rests with citizens who have the power to vote for their leaders patrician: wealthy land owners who held most of the power plebeian: common farmers, artisans, and merchants who were the majority of the population tribune: when plebeians formed their own assembly and elected reps consul: the two officials of Rome senate: the aristocratic branch of Rome's government dictator: a leader who had absolute power to make laws and command the army legion: large military units punic wars: the three wars between Rome and Carthage hannibal: brilliant military strategist who wanted to avenge Carthage's earlier defeat

cyber day 16 4/21/20

my essay question would be this: explain the impact the gods and goddesses had on the greeks. The first paragraph will be introducing some of the important gods and goddesses and what they do and how they came to be. The next paragraph would talk about the power the gods and goddesses had over the people. The third paragraph would speculate if the gods and goddesses were real people and just made up the powers or if they whole thing was fake. the next paragraph would explain the human. interactions among the gods and goddesses. and the final paragraph would wrap everything up and conclude weather the people were real or not.

cyber day 15 4/20/20

1. who wrote The Iliad and The Odyssey? answer: A A. Homer  B. Alexander the Great   C. Plato 2. blank and blank fought in the Peloponnesian war. answer: Sparta and Athens 3. what was the name of Alexanders horse? answer: B A. Charlie  B.Bucephalus  C. Stanley   D. Notos 4. blank was the king of the gods and goddesses. answer: Zeus 5. what was the Poseidon the god of? answer: C A. wine  B. love and war   C. the sea   D. messenger

cyber day 14 4/16/20

1) How did Plato define The Forms? ideal version of things and concepts we see around us. 2) Who are the three groups in Plato’s ideal society? producers, military, and the rulers 3) What were Plato’s thoughts on women? that women were equally able to rule. he also thought that a women's womb was like an animal that could wonder around our body and give us  illness.  4) What was the Noble Lie that Plato proposed? that we are all born with gold, silver or a mixture of brass and iron in our souls that determine our roles in life. 

cyber day 13 4/15/20

G- gods and goddesses had powers and ruled R- Rome and Greece fought many wars against each other E- epics written by homer told stories of E- eager young rulers tried to take over C- conquering other nations can be very difficult E- entrapped in his mind, Draco made extreme laws

cyber day 10 3/2/20

this is the Colosseum. many things went on in this building, they were entertaining for the audience with gladiators, hunts, animal fights, chariot races and much more. this building was very large. to this day the colosseum is still standing. the colosseum is still standing but not as it did a long time ago.  when this building was in construction the Persians burnt it down. it was dedicated to Athena, and the main function of this building was to house the statue of Athena. the citizens were never allowed to go inside but just view from the outside. 

cyber day 9 4/1/20

1) Describe the kinds of dramas that were performed in the theaters of ancient Greece.  the Greeks wrote two kinds of drama, that included comedy and tragedy. tragedy was a serious drama about common themes like love, war, hate, and  betrayal. the main person was someone usually of importance. comedy was filled with humor. it was used to make fun of higher people and politics.  b. Describe the similarities between an ancient Greek production and a film you have seen recently. The Greek production – and the film – can be either a comedy or a tragedy. i am picking the movie Romeo and Juliet. this movie was based on a play that was written in the 1500's. it is a tragedy about a girl and boy who fell in love but their families hate each other. the greeks loved their plays, they put much thought into their plays.  3) Find an online image of a theater from ancient Greece, post it to your blog, and describe it in a few sentences.